

Cama Café Xiaonanmen Store

Address : No. 10 Guangzhou St, Zhong Zheng Dist. Taipei |台北市中正區廣州街10號

Phone : (02)2388-1609

Time : Monday – Friday (7:30AM – 08:00PM) |Weekends (09:00AM-07:00PM)

Web :http://www.camacafe.com/

Coffee is a brewed beverage with a distinct aroma and flavor, prepared from the roasted seeds of the Coffea plant.


Are you looking for a good Coffee in Taipei ? I think you should come to Cama Cafe Store (specialist for coffee), it has many store around Taiwan. The first time I tried is Cama Cafe Chang’an Store in Chang’an Street. I tried the Whisky Chocolate, and I fall in love of it. The chocolate taste so good. Second, I came to Cama Cafe in Xiaonanmen, and buy the same flavor “Whisky Chocolate”, it’s only NT$ 65/glass.




Although I can’t drink coffee, but the coffee smell is so good, maybe it because the carefully grading and the mellow roast daily. And the prices are cheaper. You can check their website for the English menu.
